

Pricing for Book Cover Artwork
50% of the total cost to be paid prior to commencement of work. The balance to be paid on completion of the project.
Amounts shown are in AUD$.

Cover art remains the property of Julie Napier until paid in full.

Print Books

Option 1 - Starting at $250.00

Front cover only.

Includes three draft changes as a result of the author's input.

Additional charges may apply depending on your requirements, and the complexity of the work involved.

Option 2 - $350.00

Front and Back cover and Spine.

Includes three draft changes as a result of the author's input.

Additional charges may apply depending on your requirements, and the complexity of the work involved.


Cover - Starting at $200.00

Includes three draft changes as a result of the author's input.

Additional charges may apply depending on your requirements and the complexity of the work involved.

Pricing - My Photos

Inclusion of photos from my private collection.

Additional charge for use of photos from my private collection. This price would be negotiated prior to use based on the photo's quality and size.

Pricing - Your Photos

No additional charge for use of photos supplied by the author unless the photo requires enhancing via photoshop.

Pricing of photo enhanced via photoshop to be negotiated.

Should you wish to have your 'photoshop enhanced' photo there will be an additional charge, to be negotiated.

Payment Method

Preferred payment method is via Paypal. However payment via direct debit may be an option.

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